Note: these are my opinions. Don' send me hate mail. But you can send me love mail. I like Pie and women who don't spray mace in my eyes... God people suck...and I mean that. Everywhere I look people suck. That guy over there, he sucks. He tells me that I'm going to go out and kill people because I sit at my computer all day. And that guy over there keeps telling me to get a job. And that guy tells me that videogames are messing with my mind. But the jokes on them. I'm automatically better than them, regardless of whether or not I'm employed or if I kill people. Because I am gifted with understanding. That doesn't make me smart, mind you. Sure, it helps, but that's not the point. I was gifted with the ability to see things as they are, rather than how I'm told they are. People see Videogames and think, "That man just ran over a prostitute! Egads man what the hell!" I look at videogames and all I see is pixels...lots of pixels. I see variables, constants, wire frames, bitmaps. I see what's there, not what I'm told is there. Of course, that takes a lot of wonder out of life, but it also makes life much easier. For instance, unlike most people, I don't think bush is an idiot. I think he's a puppet for daddy, but that's just me. He's trying to recreate a war driven American economy just like pappy. Like many have said, this is his Vietnam. But I ask you this. Why does he need a war? Why are our troops there? Why did we bomb an entire nation to get to a man that we could have taken down with one good sniper. Or a ninja. Japan would have lent us a ninja; they're cool like that. Hell, the guy isn't in the best shape, ask him to jump up and down a couple of times, that'll get rid of him quick. But no. We killed countless of his followers, people who hated him, and people who were just there. But then we found him and guess what? We ARREST him. "I'll blow up hospitals and shoot women but I can't kill Sadaam... Its inhumane." Blah! People suck, and bush is just one of the many people that suck. As I said, I'm blessed with understanding. I can see my own mistakes as well as I see others. I...okay, I don't make mistakes. But that's because I never do anything if I don't have a general idea what the hell I'm doing. My biggest problem jus so happens to be people who can't understand me. Now, I'm not gonna get all emo, I mean people who don't understand what I'm saying. All the time my father will say something stupid and if I comment on it, he flips and tells me I don't understand what the "grownups" are talking about. I'm seven-freakin-teen! People tell me that once I enter the real world, I'll see what they mean... The difference with me was I was never taken into the "fake" world. I've never viewed adults as pillars of knowledge that most children see them as. I've never spoken up to them, never tried to avoid their wrath by conforming. I've always treated adults like equals. And boy, does THAT bother them. "Grownups" are trapped in the idea that if they tell a child to do something they WILL do it! Because they're told that they have something children don't. That an adult is blessed with a kind of indescribable force that allows them to see the world in more then just childlike whimsy. Some people call that invisible something "experience". Others call it "The fruits of age". But I don't try to guess what it is. Because unlike everyone else, I never allowed myself to be cultured to think like everyone else. I've realized that the only reason that adults are "better" then children is because they think they are, and they tell children they are. Children think its true because adults tell them it is. Adults think it's true because children believe it. So we all play with our gender-specific toys while "grownups" Watch the evening news. Completely bogus. Wow...I just used the word bogus. I'm frightened... While a lot of people will read this and think "uh...what?" I have to add this. I think that there is no mental difference between children and adults. The only real difference is of course, perception. Adults will continue to think they are superior while children continue to think they're weak, insignificant. It's just another method of control. But I've never allowed myself to be controlled and I don't plan on starting. I've always seen what's there and disregarded what I'm told in favor of what I've learned. Unfortunately, this has giving me a rather grim view of the future. Lately, children have been rebelling, in an attempt to raise themselves to toe level of an adult. But giving yourself more hardships and responsibility will not make you an equal. The only true path to chronological equality, is to step outside of you're self. Look at yourself and think "who am I?" but that's not enough. Stay outside of yourself. Observe yourself like you would somebody you were stalking. You'd be surprised how much you allow yourself to believe. But you also have to look at everything. Don't see the house, see the brick and mortar. Don't see the president, see the government as a collection of groups of normal people. Don't see the world. See between the lines of reality. There is no such thing as an inch. Have you ever seen an inch? No. It exists because we are told it exists...have you ever held time in you're hands? Time is not real either. Neither is the government of a democracy. That's an oxymoron. If it were a democracy, we would all have equal say in the government, which we don't. Adults would tell you children have no say in the government, but the truth is neither do they. There is only a select few people running the country. They have a tendency to ignore anyone who is poor or insignificant. They do what they want because they say that's what's right. Have you ever held the law in you're hands? What does it feel like? Nothing. It doesn't exist. See beyond the boundaries of you're teachings. In this government, there are two constants. One is that no matter what, the government will do what it wants 90% of the time and only actually listens to the masses around election time. Secondly, it's that whether or not a "grown up" is old or not is irrelevant. They suffer from the impression that they're better then children. In much the same way, they are nothing but the children of the government. Small, powerless, and completely at the mercy of the "grown ups" in the white house. Forced to be afraid. Desperately trying to impress their "parents" Following the rules they're parents set forth, completely at their mercy. It is in this way, that the only "grow ups" are the ones young enough to know the difference between what we see, and what's really there... On a lighter note...I'm cool. The end. Copyright 2004 Chris Commo so there. besides, snyone who would steal this is sad on so many levels...